Field Archaeology

Chris can carry out work for developers, carrying out small projects in the St. Albans area, as required under PPG 16; desktop studies, evaluations and watching briefs during development. Buildings recording under PPG 15 can also be undertaken.





If you belong to a group or organisation which would like a talk on St. Albans then contact Chris

An Archaeological Evaluation
at St. Michael's Church, St. Albans (2000)

for the Churchwardens of St. Michaels

Plan showing the Location of Evaluation Trenches

Plan & Section of Trench 8





St. Michael's church lies over the remains of the Basilica of Roman Verulamium.

It is necessary to upgrade the drainage of the church and because of the Scheduled Ancient Monument status of the churchyard the scheme of works needs the approval of English Heritage. Because of this an evaluation of the likely impact of the proposed scheme was agreed with English Heritage and in January 8 small trial trenches were dug around the church. 6 of these trenches were positioned with respect to the known development of the church and dug only to the depth to which the proposed new drains would penetrate. 2further trenches were subsequently dug to explore features of the extant drains

An Archaeological Investigation
at St. Peters Church, St. Albans (2001)

for The Michael Dales Partnership

Plan showing the Location of the Area Investigated

Fifteenth century Column of the northern Nave Arcade siting on an ?earlier foundationwhich cuts an earlier wall

The columns of the nave arcading of St. Peter's church are constructed of Totternhoe stone, a relatively soft material. Cracking is occurring in the stonework and causing concern and the Church architect has suggested that this is caused by the columns wicking moisture from beneath the impermeable concrete floor. In order to explore the problem a small area of flooring was removed from around one of the columns of the northern nave arcade.) This work was carried out by a building contractor and the area exposed was then examined archaeologically. The deposits examined were all extremely dry.The Archaeological Investigation

The archaeological work was limited to cleaning the trench left by the contractors and removing enough extra material to establish the exact dimensions of the column foundation, it being unwise to remove any more because of the condition of the column.

Observation of Topsoil Stripping
in an RMC Gravel Quarry near St. Albans (2000/2001)

for The Guildhouse Consultancy

A Box Scraper in Action

To play this movie you will need QuickTime

An undated hearth as revealed by the machine

Continuous observation of mechanical topsoil stripping prior to gravel abstraction was undertaken. Archaeological features found during this process were marked and subsequently excavated and recorded by a team from the Bedfordshire Archaeological Unit. Features uncovered were of ?Prehistoric, Late Iron Age/Early Roman & Medieval date.

Leaflets on Pub Histories

Leaflet on the History of the White Hart

Leaflets on the history of several licensed premises have been produced for clients and the content of these can be found elsewhere on this site.


If you have an historic building and would like it researched and a leaflet/report produced, then contact Chris















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